Adolescent Girls
Empowerment Program (Bonga)

Bonga Program is a transformative initiative designed to empower adolescent girls and young mothers who have left school early due to challenges such as early pregnancy, early marriage or lack of motivation. Recognizing their untapped potential, BCFK offers a comprehensive six-month life skills training program that equips the participannts with the knowledge and tools needed to redefine their futures.

Since its inception, 1453 Bonga girls have successfully gone through the program, demonstrating its significant impact on the lives of young women within the community. The knowledge gained on personal development, financial literacy, basic human rights, income generating activities and entrepreneurship have enabled them become active contributors to their households and communities, moving beyond the traditional roles often limited to domestic responsibilities.

Upon graduation, after six months training, the graduates are awarded certificates of completion and encouraged to join Bonga Forums - sustainable support networks where women continue their growth journey. Currently, there are 7 Bonga Forums providing them with platforms for sharing best practices, engaging in table banking, acquiring business skills and participating in income generating activities. Additionally, members collaborate on joint investments fostering both personal and community development. 

This initiative not only transforms individuals, but also communities by creating empowered women who inspire change and drive sustainable growth.

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