Welcome to BCFK

Basecamp Foundation Kenya (BCFK) is a not for profit trust that has been working in the Maasai Mara for the past fifteen years. Our aim is to transform lives by being an innovator of models for sustainable development, through tourism, entrepreneurship and conservation. Basecamp Foundation Kenya works among one of the marginalized communities in Kenya by implementing and partnering in projects in the areas of health, education, empowerment and entrepreneurship.
Increased quality education and lifelong learning for marginalized and disadvantaged groups
Improved livelihoods for rural poor through income generation
Availability and sustainable management of water resources for the whole community

Strong civil society and public sector


Our Projects

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) project approach includes capacity building of the schools’ Boards of management to effectively manage schools, Parents teacher’s associations’ seminars & Early Child Development. It also...
Adolescent Girls Empowerment Project (Bonga)
Bonga program aims at empowering adolescent girls and young mothers that have dropped out of the formal education system, as a result of various cultural and other life impediments, but most commonly, teenage pregnancy and early marriages.
Community Managed Savings Group (CMSG)
The community managed savings group is a unique community based methodology that aims at improving the financial literacy among the rural poor in the communities. The program seeks to enable the members to make informed decisions...
Community Institutions - Green Villages
The Green Villages program aims at promoting people led development projects through piloting of innovative approaches to addressing basic needs of communities’ one village at a time. Its main focus is to provide access to...
Mara Girls Leadership School (MGLS)
Mara Girls Leadership School is a model school of excellence established and fully sponsored by BCFK in 2017 to nurture a generation of community transformational leaders by providing quality education for talented girls from the Maasai Community.
Access to Safe Drinking Water projects
Access to safe drinking water for domestic use and animal consumption in Mara has been a serious challenge. This is mainly because Narok County is a semi-arid region whose population also practice livestock keeping and pastoralism...
Average MGLS Mean Score in KCPE Examinations
Members in Total Participating in Savings
Members with Viable Income Generating Activities
Bonga Girls Completing Life Skills Training

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