Sustainability Strategy

BCFK Sustainability Strategy

BCFK initiatives are based on sound approaches that contribute to community sustainability through expansion of knowledge base, innovation and strengthening the communities’ livelihoods options. The projects we implement and decisions we make contribute to healthy and inclusive communities’ that respect values of all. BCFKs sustainability strategy observes a commitment to strengthening local leadership. Integrated planning and a participatory community approach in programming.

Our work with communities is guided by our sustainability approach that can be summed in three pillars;

  • Development and strengthening of the community leadership structures; this includes capacitating community managed savings groups leadership to make them self-reliant. It also entails establishing, strengthening and institutionalizing community development organizations (CDO) to become drivers of change at the village level.
  • Development and strengthening of the community leadership structures; this includes capacitating community managed savings groups leadership to make them self-reliant. It also entails establishing, strengthening and institutionalizing community development organizations (CDO) to become drivers of change at the village level.
  • Results based documentation for marketing; documentation of outputs and outcomes from our projects and using the same to market the projects models. This ensures growth of the project to other villages.
  • Collaborations, partnerships and resource mobilization; reaching out to other development partners and building lasting relationships (including with benefitting communities). This enables mobilization of resources also from communities that sustain project implementation.

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